HELP! I am losing years of my life over health,fear of what they did to my dad,WHAT the Doctors do not Pay attention to.
I take one Medication form of steroids at least one time Per day of Steroids to Breathe,
some days 2 types. Oral and/or Inhaled,
I Take 2 Blood Pressure Pills,one for over 10 years NOW.
Chronic Pain has been Twisting my spine and Obtaining my body and removing my essence,for over 15 years,I am sober 17+ and am On Pain medication,that is Prescribed ..BUT IS NOT Prescribed properly .
Same pill amount for 5-years at least, same 15 mg's short acting so ....It is HELL.
I have a Large hemangioma on the thoracic vertebrae T8 and a small one and tail no one says crap about! AND I AM TOLD NO PAIN..BULL I have had pain there for yrs.I had the wrong Implant operated into the TMJ JOINT ON RIGHT they had to take my r ear off to do,and the 5 months after it needed to be removed could go ON I SUFFER AND SUFFER
WHEN it is LONG TERM it is supposed to be changed to a LONG ACTING,My DOC refuses to address this,and says,OH NO!
Every 4 -5.5 hrs I am in some type of with-drawl .It is complicated by depression,and anxiety ...Regret and Ignorance. Literally I am Losing my self
,My ability to want anyone around,
Miss-communication and not understanding Create ANIMOSITY
Misinterpretation-on Both ENDS...HELP PLEASE SOME ONE say what is up,
when my family relocated to NJ from AZ, I went to DR
Philip EATOUGH, Keansberg / Eatontown. HE
changed my med.s,to SHort acting,and LONG PLUS anxiety pill+ break through+ antibiotic, Un specified,timeframes,"I was told My body will figure it our or something,he did Put a amount and so on but is what he said,he said NO cold water/foods, No hot only room temp,no vegetables,no fruit,only meat and Potatoes. My stomach was killing me on top of all other complaints,this was new and BAD! Well, HE DID A hemlock LIKE MANEUVER ON ME
and said see that hurt right!
I said well not where the Pain I speak of,
IT HURT HAT YOU DID BUT NOT THE PAIN I ALWAYS HAD HE HURT ME AND ON THE wrong spot to boot he did the maneuveragain!,and OH MY GOSH IT KILLED ME,I sucked it up told him he was insane,and discontinued as h I have my hubby with me,and we called hi PONY TAIL DOC WHAT HE DID WAS made my Medical Record scare any help for a real PAIN DOC! for me...I did not consume all he RXED,HE WOULD ALSO SAY "you are so close to being off all this medication,as I went I Would see the SAME WOMAN? weird hu" WELL HE JUST RECEIVED 41 MONTHS IN JAIL! and my records are screwed, I then went to DR Lin XU, who's very thorough and kind,but a pillophobe and refused to rx or treat me for a length of time and I needed to find a PAIN DOC/clinic...YEA right I get to Dr Lavien Pain Clinic Of NJ or what ever it was or how ever you spell his name,he is POMPUs and carefree,and could care less about me. and IT WOULD then become a TREND. NO ONE would see me,A conceived drug seeker!
yes, I WAS SEEKING A Dr. to rx me all of my meds,including my class 2's BP,Thyroid and others..WHY should I be treated any different,NO HX of abuse,lost running out?No DR hoping..JUST BULL CRAP for me who suffers .
I called the Pain Clinic in Freehold Center State"well,I said I would like to have an appointment with Dr. so and so,they said what is your name? I gave it,and then I was told they will call back. Less than 15 min I received a call,and they said,No they cannot treat me there????I gave no records,Only My name! I asked why,THEY refused to say! Went to the patient Advocate and...THEy said they would help,they came back and said,They are a separate entity and do not have to see me.
IT IS disgrace full THAT A DR can screw it up,and TALK BEHIND PATIENTS BACKS...THe HIPAA is a TOOL for the doctors to hide or BS..I will add later this is way over board.....
it should have been JUST easy,get a dr and ,and work together,I am allfor off medication I HATE IT ALL.BUT I refuse to be tourtured with more injections and BAD OPERATIONS ,and after my dads 6 months of HELL WITH HIM and the MR CAMPBEL..ABUSE of POWEr..
What can I do,cant even get a blood test result addressed,and not even told! THAT WAS TAKEN IN March! and not one word about my TSH.. damit MEnapause"
really HELP I am dyeing
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