Thursday, June 19, 2008

schools out? could have fooled my girl! Darn math teacher

2 weeks ago,my daughters pre cal teacher said,Monique"I can't Finnish the class,we are behind and you have a class every day so I don't have time to Finnish! SO I MONIQUE'S mother asked this teacher at Matawan regional HS," what! 2 weeks before school is out and you say this now? WHy didn't you tell anyone else... she said"I did" note(she has not forwarded the letter she sent in to the school as she stated as proof positive she did tell them) so I DON'T BELIEVE THIS? or do i??/ HUMMM

hum- in-deedys..
Ms.Saeed stated that she will not water down the rigorous curriculum,to speed stuff up she will not!
I believe she doesn't have too either...CAUSE I CAN ALMOST be certain that there is a RIGHT NOT TO IN HER UNION BYLAWS!

The school states she never told them? I don't believe them,and here's why:
to date they have refused to hand over the curriculum nor have a teacher to Finnish this course...

MIND YOU MY girl has a 92% in this class and has be able to do a full year of Chemistry in 2 months! OK OK OK she has home instruction,but the teacher and the school both never said anything until 2 weeks ago! and this is my girls Jr Year....and..

Guess how far behind this teacher allowed this to be? one full marking period and a half!
further this teacher just got a raise for going to a class to further her ability's??
WHAT ABOUT HER RESPONSE"ABILITY'S? TO AT THE VERY LEAST TELL US ,AND I WOULD HAVE GOTTEN A NEW TEACHER..MY GIRL TOLD ME A WHILE BACK THAT she was very selfish and very "Princess Minded" like she only mattered and My girl usually doesn't say bad things about any one specially teachers/or authority figures..THAT would be disrespectful
She is a Christian and a GOOD GIRL.the school is very wrong for allowing this to happen,MORE ON THIS LATER..well what do you say about this?