hum- in-deedys..
Ms.Saeed stated that she will not water down the rigorous curriculum,to speed stuff up she will not!
I believe she doesn't have too either...CAUSE I CAN ALMOST be certain that there is a RIGHT NOT TO IN HER UNION BYLAWS!
The school states she never told them? I don't believe them,and here's why:
to date they have refused to hand over the curriculum nor have a teacher to Finnish this course...
MIND YOU MY girl has a 92% in this class and has be able to do a full year of Chemistry in 2 months! OK OK OK she has home instruction,but the teacher and the school both never said anything until 2 weeks ago! and this is my girls Jr Year....and..
Guess how far behind this teacher allowed this to be? one full marking period and a half!
further this teacher just got a raise for going to a class to further her ability's??
WHAT ABOUT HER RESPONSE"ABILITY'S? TO AT THE VERY LEAST TELL US ,AND I WOULD HAVE GOTTEN A NEW TEACHER..MY GIRL TOLD ME A WHILE BACK THAT she was very selfish and very "Princess Minded" like she only mattered and My girl usually doesn't say bad things about any one specially teachers/or authority figures..THAT would be disrespectful
She is a Christian and a GOOD GIRL.the school is very wrong for allowing this to happen,MORE ON THIS LATER..well what do you say about this?
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